Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Module 4 Social Studies Poetry: Lady Liberty: A Biography

Rappaport, Doreen. 2008. Lady Liberty: A Biography. Ill. by Matt Taveres. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Candlewick Press. ISBN-10: 9780763625306 ISBN-13: 978-0763625306

Lady Liberty is the story of how the Statue of Liberty came to be. This book is told in poems from the viewpoint of the people involved, beginning with the idea to the final product. It is a story of a gift of friendship between nations. Young and old will enjoy hearing the story of the Statue of Liberty. God Bless America!

Doreen Rappaport begins this book by taking about her grandfather leaving his home to come to America and how he felt when seeing the Statue of Liberty after his long ocean voyage in seeking a new life. She provides a look at New York City today and ends the story with thoughts from immigrants when seeing the Statue of Liberty. Auguste Barhtholdi, the sculptor, tells about his vision of the statue and how Lady Liberty will be compared to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.(2008) The story continues with Maire Simon - Bartholdi’s assistant, Gustave Eiffel - structural engineer, Emma Lazarus - poet, Charles P. Stone - construction supervisor, Joseph Pulitzer - publisher, New York World, Florence De Foreest - a child willing to sell her roosters to help raise money for the statue, José Martí - journalist and poet, each telling the part they played in bringing Lady Liberty to America. Doreen Rappaport truly captured the essence of this wonderful piece of history through the short poems that flow through the spoken words, in first person, by the key players of the Statue of Liberty. Reading this book will allow students to hear it from the person’s view point, rather than reading out of a history book. Rappaport also includes Statue of Liberty Dimensions, important events from 1865 to 1986, more books to read about the Statue of Liberty and an official website of the State of Liberty. Matt Taveres rounds this book out with his wonderful pictures that capture the feel of the time frame of the 1800’s. This is an excellent historic book to be enjoyed by all ages.

Poem Excerpt

The flag falls.
Lady Liberty is visible in all her glory.
Cheering and shouting rip the air.
Roaring cannons, belching foghorns,
drumrolls, trumpet flourishes.
Arise, ye sons of France, to glory...
O say can you see...

Every part of her shouts freedom.
In one hand she holds a tablet,
engraved with July 4, 1776.
In her other hand she holds a torch.
These flames do not destroy.
Mon Americaine does not conquer with weapons.
True liberty triumphs through Truth and Justice and Law.

She wears a flowing robe
like the ancient goddess Libertas.
Her right foot is raised.
Liberty walks.
Freedom never stands still.
A broken shackle and chain lie near her feet.
America broke the links of slavery
to fulfill its promise of equality for all.
(Excerpt from Lady Liberty: A Biography)

This book of history and poems can be a great collaboration tool for combining research about great moments in American history. The students can research an historic event or current events and utilizing their research, they will compose a poem to complement the event. I feel that the students should be able to choose whatever type of poem they feel will heighten their work. Poems will be displayed on a wall of fame. This would also be a wonderful presentation at a PTA meeting or for the school, with the students performing the roles of the characters of this book and this historic event.

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